The software program

The computer program accomplishes four tasks:

  • it simulates roles that are not being played: residents, applicants for dwellings, land owners, bankers, service firms and subcontractors (induced jobs), expropriation judges, land appraisers;
  • it gives on line information on the state of the system at any given time; to this end, it includes a consultation module and a geographical information system;
  • it does the accounting for the players and keeps records of all events;
  • it manages the progress of the game in a sequential manner, a year being represented by six successive phases:
    1. land acquisition,
    2. requests for building permits (planning permissions),
    3. implementation of legal regulations: land use rules, contributions to financing of facilities (planning obligations), expropriation, etc.
    4. housing market,
    5. public and private investments,
    6. spontaneous changes in the population and of the building fabric.


IT implementation: Awacs company (in C Sharp language for Microsoft Windows)